Repair method of asphalt pavement pit
1, asphalt pavement pit mending process can be roughly divided into three kinds, cold cold fill process, hot hot material technology and hot material in the cold repair process, each method has its own characteristics, to adapt to the situation is different, the construction personnel should choose appropriate methods according to the actual situation.
2, to determine the repair before treatment: disease treatment area is generally along the outside is bigger than 10sm disease around the square, determine the scope of treatment after treatment with chalk will range into the square, for pit straight dressing.
3, slot groove cutting seam: cutting machine alignment powder strokes good treatment range marking cut seam, cut seam is pay attention to straight line, cut seam depth does not exceed the surface layer thickness of pavement. If the pavement below the layer also need to repair, then in the lower layer cutting seam, layered repair, between the formation of ladder overlap, lap width is generally about 10cm. When the pavement eradicated, with sheep picks with a spade chisel, which pits the vertical walls, forming the outline of neat, while the bottom pit should be cut.
4, cleaning the pit: first use shovel, broom clean loose mixture, in the use of blower will slot small loose particles sweeping clean.
5, applicator: when the hot asphalt pavement to eradicate all parts, should be in the pit walls brushing a hot asphalt, the bottom pit also sprinkle a layer of hot asphalt coating, brushing should be uniform coated not leak too much.
6 cold, cold pavement repair technology is mainly applied to emergency clean maintenance, first to pit in the dirt, such as mud, the deployment of a good cold feeding into the pit, PU coated evenly, to ensure the pit groove of the cold patch material is adequate, but do not diffuse out of the pit. The small roller is used to compact the pavement, and the deeper pit should be filled with cold patching material and layered compaction. If the repair of the compaction degree is not up to the requirements, put into use will appear after the pavement subsidence phenomenon, this time should be further filled with cold patching material compaction, so as to avoid sinking phenomenon in the actual operation process, usually with a cold feeding pit filled higher than the surrounding road 5 ~ 10mm. cold patch technology the operation time is short, 10 minutes after the repair can be put into use. This is just a temporary fix, failure can be resolved in a timely manner affect the safety of the road.
7, repair technology of hot material for cold rainy season on the damaged pavement of asphalt pavement repair, put into use in the rainy season if there will be a lot of potholes phenomenon, if the repair is not timely, the pit will worsen, seriously affect the pavement. The principle of thermal material cold repair technology is a temporary use of cold patch material along the highway filled pit, with roller compaction, the road temporarily meet the traffic requirements, pit technology equipment etc. after the rain stopped with hot repair pit in the application of hot patching technology principle of asphalt pavement repair. This technology combines the advantages of two kinds of repair technology, so that the repair of the pavement is not limited by time and temperature.