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工程机械之家>企业动态>China heavy steam orders continue to coo
China heavy steam orders continue to coo
来自:工程机械之家 时间:2016-02-05 浏览数:0

China heavy steam orders continue to cooperate in Cangzhou for the first time

Recently, Cangzhou held a grand cross car ceremony, the ceremony is the protagonist of Cangzhou Jinli Automobile Trade Co., Ltd and Cangzhou Port Railway Company Limited Chinese Cang new heavy truck steyr. The ceremony was held smoothly, and both sides expressed their satisfaction.

The delivery of 20 new Steyr heavy duty truck and Chinese, is Germany 's company reached a strategic cooperation, to upgrade on the basis of the original style, efforts to build a logistics market for high-end tractor products. Since 2015, it has been popular for its superior performance.

In 2009, China heavy steam and Germany man company reached strategic cooperation. The introduction of man technology undoubtedly injected a strong power into China's heavy steam products.

The delivery ceremony at the same time, Chinese CNHTC commercial vehicle was a Coal Transportation Company Limited signed the 5 Steyr natural gas vehicle orders.

New year's good luck is coming. China's heavy truck orders continue to appear in the market. Here, we hope that the new year's construction machinery industry will have a better development momentum.

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