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工程机械之家>设备资讯>Design of hydraulic transmission system
Design of hydraulic transmission system
来自:工程机械之家 时间:2016-05-14 浏览数:0

Design of hydraulic transmission system

Hydraulic system design steps and content of hydraulic system design, we must first clear technical requirements, firmly grasp the technical requirements to meet the technical requirements and the performance of these two key factors, but also fully consider the reliability, safety and economic factors. The hydraulic system design steps vary, not a fixed pattern, but according to the following steps can be easily designed.

According to the technical requirements, the system function design determines the type, quantity, sequence of action and action requirements of the actuator. According to the operating conditions, the basic circuit of the drive actuator is worked out. When there are multiple actuators in the system, the sequence diagram of the action sequence should be drawn, and the control loop of the action sequence should be worked out. Then the hydraulic source loop is designed. At this point, we should consider energy conservation, maintain the cleanliness of hydraulic oil, and control the temperature of hydraulic fluid.

To clarify the technical requirements and design a new hydraulic system, it is necessary to carefully find out the requirements of the hydraulic system, and discuss with the users or the host plant, and try to grasp these technical requirements quantitatively, as the starting point and basis of the design. Technical requirements such as: machine characteristics, conditions of use, applicable standards, regulations, safety, reliability and economy, etc..


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